Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Friday, October 18, 2019

Pictures from Sis. Barbosa

Achei na praça e trouxe pra casa


Weekly Letter-Sept. 23

Olá Família,
    This week was good. This week we did a few splits with the other Elders in our district and we were able to learn a lot. We have a lot of people to visit and teach and so that is good. We are always finding new people and getting to help them learn more about the gospel. During our splits, we sat down to rest a little while my companion looked for our nest address in his planner. As we sat there I looked around and jokingly said that our next appointment would be in a certain yellow house a short distance away. When he found the address and we looked at the house number it matched exactly with the house that I had said. I surprised myself and learned one more time that the spirit can give what seems like tiny impressions, to help and guide us. It was a cool experience, because it wasn´t like we were lost or had lost the address or anything, but the Lord was showing us were we needed to go and confirmed to us that we needed to knock on their door. Side note that the person we were searching wasn´t home, but we were able to talk to her mom and marked another date to return. haha. But we never know how the little things and choices will effect the future of the people we teach. I love being here and learning small truths of  the gospel and growing my testimony little by little here in Brazil. Even though it is hot, the food is always the same, and I don't have any personal space, I wouldn´t trade the mission experience for anything. Love you guys and wish you the best!
- Elder Child

Weekly Letter-Sept. 16

Olá Família,
    This week was good. We had splits with the Zone leaders this last week and learned the importance of practicing our lessons more. We did some practises of getting to know people better and using the spirit to detect a specific part of a lesson to share with them. We have been visiting a lot of people and are excited to visit them this next week. We also got a referral from a member in another ward, he is a father and is wanting to visit the church. He had to work yesterday so so he couldn´t make it to the meetings, but we were able to mark a visit with him for tomorrow. There were a few investigator with us in church so that was fun. The class was about the gift of tongues, and the teacher explained the importance of the interpreters, and also the importance of organization and that everyone has to be edified or at least understand what is being said. I was a little nervous to talk to the investigators after, because the gift of tongues is a pretty popular attraction in some churches here, but they liked it a lot. They were happy to hear the explication and they didn't have and questions so that was good. haha. I love you guys tons and thank you for your support, love, and prayers!
- Elder Child

some funny off brand toys and brownies 

Pictures from Sis. Barbosa

Sis. Barbosa sees Jake everywhere and I love that she shares it with us.

Weekly Letter-Sept. 9

Olá Família,
   This week went by super fast as usual. This last week we did two service projects, one we picked up all of the rocks in a dirt area, and the other we weeded the yard. We have been working a lot in different areas and have gotten to know a few different places. We left to visit some people with a returned sister missionary, and even though there was nobody home we were able to find some of her old friends on the road. They don´t live in our area so we have passed their address to the sisters. But it was really good to leave with a different member than who we usually leave with. The weather has been a lot cooler and so we haven't had to work under the sun yet. haha. That is one of my favorite things about this city, is the weather. At least it hasn´t heated up that much yet. haha. We are teaching the mom and sister of a recent convert and they are really excited. They have been reading the Book of Mormon and felt really good when they prayed about it. It is a little hard to find them, because they are working a lot. But this week we will teach them about the plan of salvation. We also found another family that had lost their son this last week. So we were able to teach the plan of salvation to them too, and they liked it a lot. They were glad to know that they could have a family forever, and they each asked for there very own pamphlet to read again. It is great that we have the knowledge and comfort through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It kind of stinks that people have to pass through these things like death in the family, but we are privileged to know and share the message of the Plan of Salvation with others. I know that the more we share it, the more we will be comforted in our trials too.  Thank you guys so much for all of your prayers and support! Love you guys!
- Elder Child

 bday#78 and my little bonzai 

Weekly Letter-Sept. 2

Olá Família,
    This week was good. The time is really starting to speed up now. We had a lot of meetings this week, including Zone conference, a Missionary broadcast and a Brazil wide broadcast too. It was amazing to hear the Prophet, his wife and Elder Cook and his wife, speak directly and specifically to us here. I really enjoyed the broadcast on Sunday. All the messages were really good. Sister Nelson talked on the importance of avoiding contention in our home. She said that personal revelation is impossible to receive when there is contention in our lives. She talked about the importance of forgiving others if they try to insult us, even when you don´t do anything wrong. She gave an example of the letter that Moroni wrote to Pahoran, he had written him accusing him of treason. But when Pahoran got the letter, he didn´t get mad or try to put Moroni in his place, but brushed it off and explained what was going on. Many times in our lives, when we get mad at someone, we don´t understand what they are passing though or we don´t understand their point of view. President Nelson talked a lot on the importance of teaching our children to stay on the path. That we need to teach them clearly and directly about the importance of the commandments. It was really nice to hear councils twice this week from our inpired leaders. I sustain and support them and I know that they are called of God to represent him on the earth. Love you guys tons!
- Elder Child

Picture from Sis. Barbosa-August 30, 2019

Received this on a day that I was very worried about Jake.  Heavenly Father knows when we need, as missionary Moms, to know everything is good.  I zoomed in to make sure I was seeing this right.  Jake was in the front and not giving up on climbing those hills.  
Wouldn't expect anything else.  I love Jake and his perseverance. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Weekly Letter-August 26

Olá Família,
    This last week was good. It rained quite a bit so we had to take advantage of the clear weather to work. We were able to achieve almost of the goals that we had set so that´s good. We each got around 30 addresses this week so we have at least 60 to visit this next week. haha. We are pretty excited here because President Nelson will be visiting Brazil and he will give a transmission to all the missions here. Also there will be a transmission for the resat of the members on Sunday that we can watch too. It will be pretty cool. We also have Zone Conference so it will be a pretty busy week. We had a few investigators in church with us and we have found two siblings that are excited to go to church this next week. We taught them about the Book of Mormon and they liked it a lot. They even have prayed about it and have felt good about it. So we will take some other youth to visit them this next week. I love you guys tons thanks for everything!
- Elder Child



Pizza with our new ward mission leader/bday

Weekly Letter-August 19

Olá Família,
    This week went by super fast. We have been getting a lot of people´s addresses and marking our visits with them. The mission changed some of our key indicators so now we don´t have a specific goal for people we have to talk to on the road or even baptismal invites. Now we just have the normal indicators (lessons, referrals, new investigators, etc.) and a goal for the number of addresses we need to get from street contacting. So now it´s a lot better to just focus on teaching the people in their homes, and marking more visits. We did talk to and invite a guy that works in a food stand and he went to church with us yesterday. He liked it a lot and wants to learn more. the only problem is that he lives in the other area so we have to pass his info to the other Missionaries. But me and my companion will stay together for another 6 weeks so we will be able to find more people. haha. I am getting used to the city here and am excited to see what this next transfer will bring. Our District leader was transferred and I will take his place so that will be good. I just hope that the district doesn´t crash and burn. haha. There are 8 sisters and 4 elders in this district so I´ll definitely learn a lot of new things. Thanks every one for the support and birthday wishes! Love you guys!
- Elder Child

Pics from Sis. Barbosa

Olha quem saiu agorinha daqui

Weekly Letter-August 12

Olá Família,
    This week went well. We were a little disappointed because the couple that we found last week didn't want to meet with us any more. The woman sent us a message saying that she searched about the church on the Internet and found things that she doesn´t agree with. Even though we gave her several of the church´s websites she much have just searched on google and found a whole lot of false information. We tried to call her and see what she heard, but she hasn´t been answering the phone. SO that stinks a little. We know that they were ready to learn, and grow in the church, but they wanted a quick and easy answer. They had searched on the internet and trusted what they saw, more then they had trusted in our promises of a answer from God about the messages. But hopefully after some more time they will think things through more and change their minds a little bit, maybe at least let some other missionaries teach them again. The other woman that we have taught is on vacation and won´t be back for a few days. But we are going to work a lot this week and find a new group if investigators to teach. 
   I was sad to hear that Grandpa Child passed away this last week. But I know that he is well. We will have to wait a little until we can see him again, but he is able to see and visit with all of our family members that have already passed on to the other side of the veil. I love all of you guys and hope that you can all feel comfort and hope through the atonement of Jesus Christ, and the plan of salvation. 
- Elder Child 

Memories of Grandpa Child
I don´t have any specific story that I would like to share. But I remember countless times of getting a present at Christmas from a skinny Santa Clause with a Rudolf nose. When all the family opened the presents at the same time in a circle and we took turns changing into our new pjs or socks. Many times I was able to hear many stories of his life including how life was like during the Great Depression, and how Grandpa chewed tar because they didn't have money to buy gum. It was always great to visit them on Thanksgiving, Father´s day, and Christmas, and other holidays. 

Pics from Sister Barbosa

Saí com eles HOJE de manhã

Pics from Sis. Barbosa