Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Sunday, January 28, 2018

MTC Drop Off!

Drop off day at the Provo MTC...beautiful sunrise on the way, Jakes countdown on his phone and pics at the Provo Temple. He is waiting for his Visa and then off to the MTC in Brazil. He was disappointed he had to take his coat to survive the Utah weather..although it was amazing today. Nice & sunny! Recent email from him said he got suitcases to his room and one of his instructors was showing him around the different buildings...not speaking English. Sure love this boy!♡

Jake's Farewell Day - January 21, 2018