Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Pictures I missed...Enjoy!

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week went by fast, because we did 3 splits with the other elders in our district. We didn´t get a whole lot of time in our area, but we did have a cool experience on Sunday. There was a baby blessing and so we had 9 people visiting, and 2 less actives that came. We talked to them after sacrament meeting, and we were able to mark future visits with 5 of them. So that was super cool! We did have a ´´little´´ intrusion during the night this week. Elder Ornelas woke up to use the bathroom and found a tarantula in our shower. He woke me up because he was to scared to kill it himself. haha. It was about as big as my hand, and it liked to jump a lot. So it took us a good hour to kill it and go back to sleep. When we called Sister Lacerda to see what repellant we need to buy, she just laughed. So that was helpful. haha. Love you guys tons, and can´t wait to talk with you guys this week!
 -Elder Child

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week was amazing. We had a Mission Tour and had a visit of Elder Gary Stevensen! It was amazing. We all got to shake his hand and he gave a great training. He talked on the importance of Preach my Gospel and us using, and studying it. I forgot my notes at home so I don´t have any of his quotes. But the feeling we had when we were there was amazing! You couldn´t think of anything else while he was talking. It felt like to confusion in your mind was dissolved and you just received pure truth. It was obviously one of the highlights of my life. I hope to receive to photo that we took with him and send it to you guys! I know that the world has prophets and apostles, that talk face to face with God and Jesus Christ! I don´t have any doubt in my mind about this! I love you guys tons! 
- Elder Child

Phone call...Wahoo!!

I think i will be able to call around 2 o clock. so about 11 for you guys. Are you working today?

We were so excited to be able to talk to Jake...he is doing well and trying his best to keep busy with his companion.  He must have known I needed to talk with him because he shared some great insight with me for my talk the following Sunday.  Steve and I were asked to talk in Sacrament Meeting on Missionary Work.  He shared how I have the opportunity to have build a relationship with those I meet and how his relationship is different with those he shares the gospel with because it is quick.  It made me realize, that when I make visits with the sister missionaries, I don't go into a home or meet someone new thinking about when they are getting baptized...I go in thinking..."I wonder if I will gain a new friend today."
Ultimately, I think that is what our mindset should be.  If we can make a sweet impression on those we meet here on the earth, maybe, just maybe, they will want to learn more about the goodness of the gospel.  I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I know we have a prophet that speaks to us today just like in Bible times.  Jospeh Smith, along with all of us, was prepared in our pre-mortal life to accomplish certain missions after we were born.  He was chosen to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ, translate the Book of Mormon and ended up being killed because he was diligent in following God.  I love the temple, the peace it brings and the Priesthood Blessings I receive when I enter those doors.  I know that when I am mindful of what I have been asked to do in this life, Heavenly Father will continue to bless me.  Even when I become relaxed in His teachings, He is mindful of me, He loves me and will Never forget me.  I am grateful that I know I am a daughter of God, my brother, Jesus Christ, was sent here to atone for our shortcomings...we canNOT do this alone. He was willing to do whatever it takes so we can return to our Heavenly home...there is a life after this one and our relationships will continue on.  I look forward to sitting in heaven with my family and friends...actually we will probably not be doing much sitting as we will be meeting, serving and loving one another. 

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week was good. We have been knocking a lot of doors and are trying to find more people with interest. The people we have been teaching stopped progressing so we have been finding new people to start over again. It is harder to find people home when we are knocking doors so we try to visit less actives during the afternoon and knock doors at night. On Saturday we were eating lunch with a young family with two children. They are really nice and are always ready to help us. We marked to leave with the Dad, Sidinei, and visit the people he knows, both members and old investigators. So we are excited to have his help.  The area is really big, and we don´t have a map so it has been a little annoying to ask directions every 5 minutes. So it will be good to walk with an expert. haha. Also they invited us to be testimonies at their daughters baptism later on Saturday. It was a sweet experience. Sunday we made lunch again. We have been making strogonof, which is a tomato based concoction with bacon, chicken, green olives, and corn. You eat it over rice(surprise, surprise). It is one of our favorites, and is really fast to make. haha. Love you guys tons!
- Elder Child

PS- I will try to call you guys next monday, i dont know when but should be in the afternoon. i will send a message with a more specific time when we get to the members house