Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
     This last week was good. We had Zone Conference on Tuesday, so that was good to see a lot of other missionaries that I know. I was surprised to find out that there are a lot of new missionaries that I don´t know.  It doesn´t seem like I have been in the mission that long, but everyone that I know is going home. They are slowly getting killed off. haha. One thing that I learned was that miracles live in the details. The little things that do or put off to do matter. To be qualified for the Lord´s help in our lives we have to give 100%, not 50% or even 99%. Clearly we won´t be perfect but only after we do our best, can the atonement take effect. I have seen this this last week. As I have strived to do my best even in the smallest things, I have noticed the difference. I have been more happy, I have gotten up with more energy and have had the forces to do my work. The hardest part is when it seems we stand alone. When it looks like we are the only ones that are trying to do our best. I know that this is another one of the tests that the enemy puts in our path. He will put someone in our lives that say they don´t have to study the scriptures to find strength, or people that think that Christ will accept them for who they are, even when they do not keep the smallest commandments. In these moments I think of Christ and what HE wants ME to do. That is when we are worthy of the Atonement. Don´t look to the sides. You know what you have to do, and you can and will do it because, God is on your side. There is a quote of Elder Holland that states,´´Man´s extremity is God´s opportunity.´´ When we try our best the Lord does the rest. When we look forward with faith we will see the miracles. Yes it is hard, and yes there always looks to have another way. But the other ways are lies. They are traps that have been perfected through the eternities by the Deceiver. Any path that includes an `´easy out`´ will always end in suffering and misery. The path to eternal life is straight and narrow. I thank God every day for giving me a chance to help the people, His children, find this path. It is hard, it´s hot, you get stuff thrown at you, and someone always laughs at the way you talk. But it is worth it. This week I have felt more close to My Savior than ever before in my life. And I am grateful to have one more year to get even closer. I know that I am not perfect, but Christ knows too. That is why he never lets me walk alone. It is normal to fall but at ALL times we must courageously take Christ´s hand. And let him help us.  WE ARE NEVER ALONE. This is my testimony that I have set off to bear, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
    - Elder Child
I cant send pics today but here are some good ones. Christ and Captain Moroni 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week went well. We found a young man named Lucas. He has around 23 years and likes the messages a lot. He always has questions and excited to see us. He likes to read the Book of Mormon and is excited to find a church that ``doesn´t try to sell stuff``. However he works on one of the oil rigs on the ocean and he is leaving to work this week. So we won´t be able to teach him for a while. We have been knocking a lot of doors and luckily have found some people that we will start to teach this next week. The branch is really excited for the English Class, and even wanted to help invite people. So we will have to print some cards with the info and make some signs to put up in the schools. It is really good to see everyone getting excited and wanting to help more. We will also start a branch activity each week in the house of a member. Each week will rotate for a different member and will help the branch become more united. The members are also getting more excited to pass references and visit their friends with us! So that it good. We are doing well here and are excited to see the results. Love you guys lots! Sorry no photos, we can´t use a USB here. 
- Elder Child

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week was good. The weather was a lot better and it was cloudy and rainy for a few days. We have found some people that have been really excited and have been progressing a lot. It is great to see them reading and feeling the spirit on their own. We are excited to help them continue on and bring them to church too. Today is Elder Torres last day in the mission and so we bought a box of açaí again to share with our district. Hopefully we won´t get sick again. haha. Love you guys! 
 - Elder Child

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Weekly Letter

Olá Família
    This last week was good. We have been working a lot and trying to find more people to teach. Elder Rebolledo is having a hard time adjusting to the heat and is doesn't have energy through out the day. But he will get better. I am more or less accustomed to the heat, and am excited to begin this week. We have seen many miracles, and I have been blessed with a lot more energy! Sorry, I don't have a lot of time but I am glad that everything is going well. The letter will be longer next week. haha. Love you guys!
- Elder Child