Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Ola Familia,
    This last week was good. We have tried to contact a lot of the references we got through the Blitz last week, and have found some investigators with potential. We have found one woman named Monica, she has a 23 and 3 year old. She is always nice and receives the lessons well. She has already prayed about the Book of Mormon and ended up having a dream as an answer, we just need to help her understand it. She is an elite in every way, she doesn't smoke or drink coffee. She has had problems with depression in the past but is getting over it now. The only problem we have with her, is that she likes to talk a lot, and so we have trouble staying on topic, and keeping our lessons short. The members have done a good job incorporating with her so she has several friends in the ward already. One thing that was kind of funny this week....We were knocking doors in a little bit of a sketchy part of town at night, and decided to descend off the road to a house that had lights on. We got pretty close to the house and everything was well, until we heard some grunting. We knew it was a dog  but we didn't know were it was at. So we just heard this grunting and i saw this dark spot heading for me, so i ran backwards a little bit, and luckily the dog was on a chain so i didn't get eaten. haha. It was a pretty good scare. We decided to return another day, when the dog has passed on to the next life. It was good too, to try to recompose ourselves when everyone on the road was looking down at us.  But oh well. 
    This week I have been reading the last chapters of Alma and about the 2,000 sons of the people of Amon. About the great faith they had marching against the Lamanite army. They didn't have fear, they didn't doubt, and they were unmovable anchors in the gospel. All this, because they were taught from a young age to follow the commandments by their mothers. They did all the little things through out their lives. All of the things they practiced throughout their childhood and youth, turned them into the Gospel power-houses that turned the side of the war. I have been thinking a lot this week of what i have missed, because of my times of rebellion, and what i need to do to catch up. Things that are easy to accomplish and obtain through seminary, FHE, even weekly church attendance, add up. Every small thing that we are commanded to do, change us, change our children, and change our perspective to be more in line with the will of God. Our obedience to these things brings the spirit more in our homes, lives, and hearts. I want to invite you guys to think about this. Think about what small things you can do to today, that will turn you into unmovable spiritual giants, tomorrow.

- Elder Child

Olá Família,
    This last week was good. We have been seeing the blessings of working with the members here. We had an activity called Blitz Missionario on Saturday. All the missionaries in our zone and some members met at the chapel and fanned out to find people to show the church to. It was meant to be a stake activity but the attendance was low. But each dupla still received around 10 addresses. Which was pretty remarkable because our zone is big. We also had zone conference this week so that was good. We talked a lot more about working with members. The Conference was really good, but I had to spread my notes over last weeks plans because I forgot my notebook. It is kind of weird to see other missionaries that arrived in the mission these last two transfers, because I still feel new in the mission. We got done around 6 and payed for our bus ride back, but there was an accident so we ended up being stuck on the bus for around 2 1/2 hours. We thought about walking but it was raining, so we contacted everyone on the bus. 
    One question I have started asking myself is ´´What does the Savior say of me?´´ I don't know if the words makes total sense, because I´m not the best translator. But as I have been pondering and applying this question in my mind, I have changed the way I do things. As we think of the Lord´s opinion of us, his unending love, but also his expectations, we change. We become more spiritually minded, we work more, we swallow our pride, and we become tools in His hands. I know that after all we can do the Grace of the Lord takes effect and we will see miracles in our lives and the lives of others. In the name of Jesus the Christ, amen.

- Elder Child

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Olá Família,
    This week was pretty well. We have working more with the members and have seen a lot more progress. This Sunday we had 8 investigators in church with us which was pretty exciting. We have realized that the best way to work in this area is through the members. Of the 8 only one was a person that we found, taught, and invited. The rest came with the members. So that is fun. haha. We are looking forward to teach these referrals. We had divisions this week so I stayed in our area with a different companion for the day. We worked a lot and hit all our goals. I ended up contacting over 100 people, which wasn´t as hard as i thought it would be, because a lot of people just keep walking when you talk to them. Of those contacts we thought 3 were good people to visit. So this is why we a grateful for the members bringing 7 people to church. haha. I also made the mistake of stepping on a scale this week. In the CTM I think I weighed around 73 kg, and so my self esteem hit rock bottom when i weighed at 86 kg. It is surprising because rice and beans look so harmless, and we walk all day, but oh well. Just have to work harder during exercise time. Sorry this letter is a little short but I hope everything is going well. I sent quite a few pictures of life here, and a zone conference we had with a Sister´s birthday cake. 
    Remember that missionary work doesn't have to be hard, a message, phone call, or even a smile can brighten someones day. Remember the power of your example. This week I challenge you guys to invite a friend to your family home evening, OR/AND to church with you. The Lord will bless you as you do so. I testify that your testimony will be strengthened as you share it. The worst that can happen is that they will say no. Love you all! 

- Elder Child


Olá Família,
    This last week was good. We have been relying a lot more on members for references and we never saw the fruits until Sunday. We called 4 people in the ward and asked them to ponder and pray, and then invite the person that was in their minds to church. Along with this we have been participating in family night with a family that has been inactive. On of the family, named Larissa, has been starting to share the gospel with her friends. She gave us one reference this week, and we asked her to bring her to church on Sunday. But when Sunday came, she brought a different friend. She told us that she had been praying to find out who to invite, and during the night she had a dream with all the people that she could invite, but one stuck out. She said that it was weird because she already thought she knew who to invite, this referral, and felt that she had to invite a different friend Sunday morning. It was amazing to see the change that she has had over these last few weeks. Her family has gone from inactive, to fully active, sharing the gospel, and finding the joy that is promised when we follow all the commandments.
    I invite every one to ponder, pray, and invite at least one friend to church, or activity. The work needs to speed up, the Lord is wanting us to bring more people to the knowledge of this gospel. The world needs more hope,  the truths we hold, and the faith we have, are lights to the world. Now, we can be disobedient, and hide our light because we are shy or self conscious, OR we can gladly accept the call of the prophet, scriptures, and our Lord and Savior, to share the gospel. Most of you have served missions already, which is great but our missions don´t end when we step off the plane. Maybe the rest of you are preparing to serve a mission, and the best idea to conquer before you leave, is fear. The world is made up of two forces, evil and good, depression and joy, misery and hope, fear and courage, etc.. Everything that is bad, or dark is of Satan, and everything that is good, or light is of Jesus the Christ. We hold the truth that can lighten the heaviest load , and the hope that can brighten the darkest soul. We have been commanded to share this light so why would we be selfish hide it away. We know that this life is not the end, but there are still people that are hopelessly dropping into depression when a loved one moves on to the Spirit World. We know that through the atonement we can qualify ourselves for joy in Christ, yet there are still people that are hopelessly using substances to be happy for a couple hours. This is not the plan. We have the truth, the love, and the light, and now all we have to do is share it. You don't have to preach in town square, or start a Internet battle. But you can send a text with an invite, you can call a friend who needs help, and you can consistently invite your neighbor to attend church, or a ward party. 
    The biggest thing I have learned so far on my mission, is to be direct. And because I love this gospel I will not soften the words of truth. We have ALL been called to the work, and can certainly show our love to the Savior and be a little better every day, and stretch our comfort zones little by little to accelerate His work. I testify that as you do this a light will enter you hearts, hope will enter your souls, and the Holy Ghost will occupy your homes. I testify that this gospel is true, and we can find joy, hope, and peace only through Jesus the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. In His name, amen.

- Elder Child