Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week went super fast. We had zone conference and after we had to travel to Juiz de Fora to renew my vista. It was good but we lost 2 days before we could work again. We were still able to complete all of our weekly goals too, so it worked out well. This morning we helping a family move, so we were able to sweat a little carrying beds, and fridges up 4 flights of stairs. Good to exercise a little. haha. Transfers were yesterday, and Elder Jones will go to Juiz de Fora and be District Leader and I will stay in Três Rios with a Elder from Chile. I already know him, and know that i will be able to learn a lot these next few weeks. I am glad to hear that everything is going well. Love you guys!
  - Elder Child

PS: I did receive my scriptures, and the Christmas Card. Thank you very much!!!

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week was good. We have been leaving to teach with members this week and has been good. The members are getting more excited to leave with us and it is better for our investigators too. We visited Everton and Marcelia and their family too and helped them with their family history. They had already filled out the booklet and visited family to get more names and dates. Really cool that they had already started and are excited to continue finding more people. We found a family this week that was very welcoming. They have been searching a church for their son because he already has 12 years. And when we explained that we are volunteers to teach the gospel for 2 years, they were more excited. The mom asked us what was different about our church, then all the others. We were happy to explain about the restoration. And how today we have prophets, apostles, and the same power that Christ had during his earthly ministry. They were excited to read the Book of Mormon and are also excited to go to church. However, the dad is a doctor and is working in 2 hospitals, so its difficult to find them home. But we were able to mark another visit this week. All in all it is good. It is still hot but it´s a good way to ask for water and talk with the people more. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well and every one is enjoying the snow! Enjoy it while it lasts! haha
- Elder Child

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week went by super fast. We have been able to find several people to teach and are excited to work with them. Yesterday we were knocking doors, and I started to talk to a woman that was smoking on her porch. She accepted a message and she invite her son wanted to hear too. So we entered and shared the plan of Salvation with them because she lost her husband a short time ago. They really like it and were happy that we shared it with them. Her son really like it and said that he wants to change his life. He even said that he has had and is reading the Book of Mormon. He has been reading since his Dad died and is in Helaman now. haha. Really cool, they are really excited to learn more and are wanting to go to church this Sunday. The weather is still hot and annoying but we are fighting the heat with popsicles throughout the day. Im glad to hear that everything is going well and that everyone enjoyed the breaks. Love you guys!
  - Elder Child

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    These last weeks were good. We have found some people to teach and are trying to get them to visit church. It will be a little better when the holidays pass, and everyone will have a little bit more time. We were happy to work in the rain these last few days, and hope to enjoy it a little bit longer. haha. It was good to see everyone on Christmas, and glad that everyone is healthy. And the good news of a little girl that will arrive in March! Christmas was good here, we didn´t have eggnog but we did make a banana smoothy to try to fool ourselves. haha. I love you guys! 
 - Elder Child

this is the video of Elder Holland that i talked about 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This week was really good. We have been trying to make the best of the sun. We have started to use sunscreen, but it doesnt´´t seem to work really well because we end up sweating it off. We have been finding a lot of people and trying our hardest to find the people with interest. We also were able to baptize Helena Sunday. We have been teaching her for some time, and she works a lot. Also she doesn´t have a phone so we basically have to play a big guessing game, when she will be home. She has struggled with coffee and smoking, but she comprehended the lessons, and knew she wanted to be baptized. The first baptismal date we marked for her passed by and we decided to give a lesson reviewing the baptismal interview questions. She passed all of them except for the word of wisdom. So we told her that she knew what she had to do and that except for these few things she was ready. Elder Jones asked her when she wanted to be baptized and she marked the date and hour. We found her twice this week and were happy to find out that she had stopped with everything and was just waiting to be baptized now. haha. It was amazing to see that after after one week straight of knocking doors, and talking to people on the road, finally we found someone that was ready. Helena has 3 sons, so we will start to work on them now too. We also had 2 investigators in church with us too, who were friends of a less active youth that we are reactivating. It is funny because we are working a lot, the best ways that we can and trying to do better every day, only after can we see the blessings of missionary work. We did receive transfers, but we will be staying together one more! I am excited to work more 6 weeks here, even though you start to melt after 15 minutes in the sun. And summer hasn´t even `´started yet.`´ I am glad to hear that everything is going well at home and excited to talk to some of you on Christmas. I will let you know what hour next week, because we haven´t planned it out yet.  But should be afternoon or night. haha. Love ya!
- Elder Child

Weekly Letter

    This week was good. We had the opportunity to start some weekly activities, here to help get the members more excited about missionary work. We are having a Integration Night every Wednesday with the other branch here. It was really good and spiritual but unfortunately we didn't get pictures or a video of the activity. Also we started a English class too so hopefully we will get more investigators to enter the church. We have also been knocking a lot of doors and trying to sort through our whole area. Although most of them don´t accept a message, we try to show our love and service by offering to pray for them. And so hopefully the next time the missionaries visit them they will be able to share a message with them. This week we also found some cool thing to take pictures of, including a jaka, a  big spider and some of our area. We have been leaving with Windson every Sunday to visit some investigators or some of his friends. He is less active but now he is going to church every week and is reading one chapter of the book of Mormon and bible every day. Elder Jones and I are excited to work this next week and wrap up this transfer. Glad to hear that everything is going well! Love you guys!
 - Elder Child

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week was good. We were able to find quite a few people and made some groups in some neighborhoods. We have been knocking on a lot of doors this week and are excited to teach some of them, the rest of them don´t like us. We have a goal as a mission to do 500 street contacts the last week of every month. In my other areas we have gotten closer but never achieved it. Elder Jones and I weren´t able to hit our daily goals for contacts this week, so we decided to use a day to walk one of the more busy roads and talk to as many people as possible. We ended the day with 364 contacts and around 35 addresses. It was a interesting day and we have quite a few people to visit over these next few weeks, but it is weird to have a day you don´t teach a real lesson. We were able to end the week with 555 contacts, 37 baptismal invites, and 46 addresses. Easily the most productive road week we have had in these last few weeks. We are happy to find more people to visit and found some elites. We are having to use sun screen now, because the sun is hotter, and more potent. It is fun to walk after it rains, because you can feel the water evaporating. haha. Glad to hear that everything is going well, and hope that every one is helping Light the World this Christmas season.  Love you all and have a good week!

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week was good. We have been working a lot and have found some people with interest. One is a woman, Vitória, that has been taught by missionaries in the past. She told us when we knocked her door, that she had been praying for help because of some things in her life. And so we were happy to explain that God knew and knows what she was passing through, and sent us to help. She gladly accepted the lessons, and even filled out the little study section in the back of the pamphlet before we came back the next day. She was unable to make it to church this week but is excited to come next week. One of our investigators, Elena, had her birthday this week too. We didn´t know but the LZscalled to inform us that a member that knows her, told them, to tell us. So we went to the store, bought a pineapple and some cookies and dropped them off at her house. haha. She was happy to see us, and to have received some phone calls from some sisters in the ward wishing her happy birthday too. She also gave us some hot dogs, and juice, for coming to her party. haha. A good week but really busy. We didn´t celebrate thanksgiving, because we had a division, but maybe we will celebrate a little later. Love you all, glad to hear you are well!
- Elder Child


    This last week was good. We had more problems with rain, but this time had umbrelas. We have been trying to visit all the people that we can, in the area book. We have been seeing a lot of miracles. We have also been amazed to see Everton and his family grow. We had a FHE with them, on Monday, and taught the Plan of Salvation. They liked it a lot and had a lot of questions too. We were in a meeting on Friday, and Everton called us, to see if we could come to a family meeting that night. So we passed by, and it was really good. He wanted to do a study of the paphlet Plan of Salvation. It was fun, I´m not quiet sure why he wanted to study it again, but it was good to go into all the details and show the scriptures, in the Livro de Mórmon e a Bíblia. They offered a papiya and juice after too. Sorry don´t have much time to write, but Im glad to hear everything is going well! Love you!
- Elder Child


Ola Família!
    This last week was awesome. We have been working a lot, to find more people to teach. Everton and Marcélia were baptized on Saturday, which is awesome. Their children were baptised last week. It was really cool to find this family, and that they were ready to accept and live all of the commandments. Elder Jones and I are enjoying the sun, and rain. We were searching for some houses the other day, and my umbrella broke. So I got a little wet walking home. Elder Jones was soaked too, and he had an umbrella. haha. We are doing great here! Sorry don´t have much time but LOVE you guys!
- Elder Child

Weekly Letter

Olá Família
    This last week was really good. I am trying my best in my new area here in Tres Rios. It is fun to serve hear in a part really of Rio de Janeiro. It is really hot. Basically it feels like you have a heat lamp over your head all day, and it is pretty easy to sweat through your shirt really fast, even with American deodorant. haha. Elder Jones only has 3 months in the mission so he is still needing a lot of practice with the language. Its a good test of patience for us both, because I have to repeat myself 3 times for him to understand me, and he has to repeat himself for me to understand him. haha. So that is fun. But we are still able to work great together, and have been finding some good people to teach. We were able to baptize the kids of a family that were in church last week, and the parents have a date set. They only need help with coffee, so we took all the coffee they had at their house and they were excited and willing to stop. Because of transfers and zone conference this week, we didn't have much time to work, we started Thursday, but we were still able to accomplish most of the mission standard for the week, so that was fun, haha. Don't have much time this week but Love you all!
- Elder Child