Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Mother's Day visit!

Jake was able to call on the Saturday before Mother's Day. Everyone joined in on the call.  And yes, I cried while everyone sang the Happy Mother's Day song (to the tune of Happy Birthday).  This is a tradition since I am not sure when but I cry through it...every year.  It was sweet to see him meet Kinley via skype.  The interaction between he and Ryker, Bentley and James was also precious.  It will be so fun when they get to see him in real life and he gets to love on them...can't be too anxious though...at this point he still has 8 months left.  He did mention there is a chance he would be home before Christmas and then quickly added...."Mom, don't get your hopes up."  Who me?? Weird!
Anyway, we ended our visit with me being asked to say a prayer...my heart was full and I was a mess as I pleaded with our Heavenly Father to watch over and protect each of our boys and their families and then each one individually.  Realizing we all have "stuff" that clouds our view in many different ways.  I know He gives us the strength to overcome ANYTHING that weighs down our backpack.  I know that the load on our shoulders is lightened when we turn to Him.  It has happened to me in several circumstances.  My problem is that in my struggle, He does not take it away until I make the first move, through prayer, repentance and a sincere change of heart.  Life teaches us many things...and how willing am I to listen?  I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is there, willing, no matter what but I HAVE to do my part.  I still have a choice and I have to remember that.  It's all me!  It's all you!  You choose your outcome.
Love to you Jake.  Glad we could share this moment with you.   
Love you tons!