Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This week was good. We had zone conference so that was good, We were able to learn a lot and get a little motivation boost. Its always cool to be in a room with 30 other missionaries and sing missionary hymns. These last few days its been alternating between rain, and hot ans sunny. It is getting a little annoying, because you don´t think it will rain, because the sky is clear. But at 7 your soaked and grumpy. But at least now I'm smart enough to carry a rain jacket with me every day. haha. We had divisions with the LZ too. So I stayed with one and the other elders stayed with our other leader. It was good to learn what I need to be doing better, and the things I could change during our daily planning session. Today I received a phone call, and will be emergency transferred to Vila Isabel, I will finish the last week of training for Elder Jones (Americano). He will be my first American companion, I´m excited to switch things up, yet again. Even though this area is supposed to be really hot. I hope everything is going well at home, love you guys!
- Elder Child

Weekly Letter

    So this last week was pretty good. We took a lot of rain on the head but it was good. Summer is getting closer so it is heating up for a few days, then rains for a few days. I might have to break out the rain coat pretty soon and not just the umbrella. We are still in trio and will stay this way until transfers, which are 2 weeks away. It isn't that bad but it is really busy to work the whole area. Some people that we have been visiting every week, have commented that we stopped visiting them, so we have to explain that we are working 2x the area and we have cut down our time in each neighborhood ,to make time for the others. So I'm hoping another missionary gets here, so we can avoid cutting more time. Thursday, the young women wanted to make ties, and asked me to give the class, we had some visits, but luckily I stayed with an Irmão, and the other two still made it to the appointments. It was pretty fun to go to mutual again, but they didn't have any snacks. This Sunday one of our investigators, Evanilde, came to church. She said that she got her answer, and all her doubts went away during Sacrament Meeting. So that is, good. She is a little older, and lives alone, so she likes to talk a lot. But she is excited to be baptized, and we are excited too! She also lives really close to two other recent converts that are older women too. haha. So she has friends already. We have been running a lot, but seeing and recognizing more and more miracles every day. Love You all! 
- Elder Child

PS- the address you have should be right, but i think the staff didn't pick it up at the mail office, also i don't know if there is a place to trade the money too, if you send cash. Thank you, Love you, 💟💓🍛🍚

weekly letter

Olá Família,
    This last week went by fast. Elder Melo went to another area in our district for a couple days for a division. So Elder Barbosa and I stayed and got to take turns planning in our areas. We didn't get lost so that was good. We even had a day where we had 5 lessons! Which I think is a record for me, normally it is a lot more walking and rejection haha. We visited some old investigators and where able to find some new people to teach. This last week we also received a phone call from some Sisters from Mexico. They are missionaries that serve in the call center for mormon.org. So they answer calls, and chat with people online and then pass the information to us, normally they pass it in an email, but this referral they called to tell us the whole story and answer questions we had about him. They even marked an appointment with him, and we will meet him tomorrow. A little bit of a surprise, but interesting how many people are involved and working on the same team, all over the world. Last night we went to teach a family, the Dad of which has not been baptized, and were surprised to find that they had guests over. So we took advantage of the extra people and decided to go along with our plan to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is found in 3 Nephi 27. We taught about all the steps, testified and then we were surprised that the 2 guests passed their addresses to us. They live in Alto da Serra, where I served a little over 3 months ago. It was good to end the day finding and more couple that accepted more lessons. I know that this work is of the Lord, and that we are really just instruments in his hands. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.  Sorry I don't have much time today, but I love you all and hope everything is going well. 
- Elder Child

PS- Holy Cow! Congratulations for the great experiences you guys have had thins last week, Its cool how we are both on different sides of the world, but we are doing the same work of bringing people into the light. Great that Dad, and Mom were able to play key roles in Dee´s life help her get baptized!! Glad to hear about all of these experiences! Keep them coming!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week was amazing. We were able to finally find and establish a group of people to teach. We have been working in both areas and its going well so far. haha. It was great too to have Conference. I testify that the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is evolving and helping us prepare for the Second Coming of the Savior. I like how it was said that we only support the Prophet when we follow his guidance and do what he says. Yes, our normal church time is cut down to just 2 hours, but I had to remind myself that the other hour is not lost. We have more time to socialize, communicate and plan our visits throughout the week. More time to know the people we serve and minister like the Savior. We now have a bigger and greater responsibility to teach our children and family in the home. The greatest thing we can do is turn our home into a sanctuary and safe house from the world. I know that everything that happens and evolves in the Church of Jesus Christ is helping us prepare for the Second Coming. It isn't that far, and we must begin preparing our families to endure the spiritual storm that is ahead. I know this Church is true. That we can have more hope and love in our lives, when we apply the teachings of the Prophets. That Christ is the head of this Church, and the rest of us ``just work here`. Of this I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 
- Elder Child

PS- mom, Do the young women have a separate hymn book?! I found one here and now am in doubt, Thank you and LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!

Weekly Letter

Olá Família,
    This last week was pretty interesting. We are trying to use all our time wisely because now we have to cover twice the distance that we used to. We have been running around a lot but its been good. We don´t know how long we will stay in a trio, so i will try to get used to it. Elder Melo has been sick this week too, so that slowed us down. On Thursday we went to the hospital and they couldn't find anything wrong so we just went home and he stayed in bed, Friday night we decided to go to the center of the city to another hospital. The passed him some medicine and he has gotten better. We have also been teaching the Irmas here how to make ties, so I will send a picture. We also picked a jack fruit a while back and finally got around to eating it, so there is a picture of the thing you eat, and the pit. haha
   This last week we have started a 90 day reading of the Book of Mormon before Christmas. It always surprises me to read about the Faith that Lehi´s family had. They might not have been completely on the same page, but they still used their faith and acted on it. Our faith is nothing without our actions. And our actions have little effect without our faith. That is one thing I am trying to remember and apply more in my life. We always need to pray like everything depends on God, AND work like everything depends on us. That is when the atonement will work and make up the difference. I am glad to be here serving my God and my Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ , amen.
  Love you all,
- Elder Child