Elder Jacob Darrel Child is called to the Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission, he reported to the MTC on January 24, 2018. You will enjoy all the adventures and happenings of his mission here. Thanks for following.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Olá Familia,
    This last week went by fast. Last week I wrote about my legs being super sore from that service project. After we write our emails we meet up with some other Elders and play soccer. One of the Elders has a Dad that is a physical therapist, so he ``worked down the acid build up`´ in my legs. It was pretty pain full. Normally I wouldn't accept the offer of a leg massage, but on this occasion, it was hard to walk without pain, and stairs just made everyone laugh at me. After he was done I couldn't feel my legs, so that made soccer interesting too. haha. But it must have helped because I returned to normal after a few more days. We also had two more service projects this week. One was more or less spontaneous, when we showed up to our lunch appointment, and found out that the Dad was carrying 2 meters of bricks, and dirt down to his mothers house. So we hurried and ate then changed, to help them. The dad has a problem with his knee to he ended up tapping out for a couple hours, so we finished with his nephew, then hurried back to our house to shower and change for our 7 o´clock appointment with an investigator at the church. An investigator that ended up not showing up. haha. So we just tried contacting people in the streets until our time was up. Our Sunday here was good too. We had one new investigator come to Sacrament meeting, so that was good. Our other investigator that I sent a photo of last week also came to church, but had a little bit to drink, so it was a little bit interesting. We ended up taking him and another member to a room and read out of the Gospel principles book. So still a good lesson, haha. 
     This week I received a call from home alerting me of the passing of my Grandpa Darrel Hodge. It was sad to hear this news, but I was comforted by the knowledge of this Gospel. I know that he is in a paradise of rest, with my Grandma Hodge. In Alma we read, ´´the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.´´ The biggest lesson I have learned from Grandpa Hodge, is humility. When ever we asked him what he needed and what we could help with, he would reply that he had everything he needed. This always caused me to reflect on my life. Grandpa had a humble home, on a humble farm. He never had the newest things but he knew that his quality of life didn't depend on objects, it depends on what is in the home; family. Family is the real treasure of life. It has taken me a long time to realize and learn that lesson. We don´t need the coolest gun, or the newest truck of the line to be happy. Many times it can make happiness seem farther away, and thus begins the cycle of using your money and precious time, in a selfish cycle of self fulfillment. My Grandpa Hodge never did that, and he was on of the happiest people I knew. I am proud to carry his name with me throughout this journey on earth. and look forward to meeting him and Grandma again, after I have finished my test in mortality. I know that this life is not the end. When we die, we are only freed from the pains and burdens of this world, and can be accepted into a place of happiness, peace, and joy, where we can reunite with our loved ones, if we live up to our knowledge of the gospel. I know that He is in a better place, and look forward with hope and faith that I will see him again, with the rest of my family I haven't had the honor of meeting yet. I love my Family, I love this Gospel, and I love Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice made this plan of happiness possible. I love you all.

- Elder Child

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Olã Familia,
   This last week was good. We worked a lot to fulfill our mission goal of 10 people in sacrament meeting. We had exactly 10 confirmed and they said that they would be there, but when Sunday came their phones suddenly stopped working and we only had one that showed up. So we will be trying to do more splits with the members here to get our investigators interested more. We had our first service project this Saturday too. The project was to carry bricks, sand, and concrete down 4 flights of stairs to house project. It wasn't that bad to carry the stuff down the stairs, but even with 12 people it took 3 hours. Everything when they deliver the material, is put, or shoveled onto the ground. So everything needed to be put into potato sacks, balanced on your shoulder then carried down. It didn´t seem that bad, but all day Sunday and today it feels like someone took a weed-eater to my calves. haha. Hope fully I will return to normal before we start the week over again tomorrow. I will send a foto of our one investigator, and the service project. No one in our district got transferred, so we are sticking in the same area for another 6 weeks. Glad to hear that everyone is doing well at home! The house is looking great! Love you Guys! 

- Elder Child

PS- Thank you guys so much for the package! I love to look at the pictures and share them with our investigators. The letters I have stashed in a safe place with the cliff bars. haha. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!   

Feliz Dia das Mães

Olã Família,
    This last week was good. We are still having a lot of trouble getting our investigators to church. But we have a new mission goal to get 10 people in church. So we will working toward that this week. I hope everyone had a good Mothers Day! I reflected a lot about my mother and the love she has given me, throughout all of my life. Even when I was a twerp, I knew that wooden spoon was love in disguise. And not a day goes by that I don´t think about what that love has done for me. My mother is the best woman I know, so sorry to all those that are reading this. It is hard to pick one thing that my Mom has taught me, but the most influential is to love everyone. Love those that annoy you, hurt you, and use you. As I have tried to apply this in my life, I have noticed a big difference. I have felt more patience for those i am around, more joy in my life, and felt the Spirit more abundantly. I am not very good at loving everyone yet, but I always look to my mom as the BEST example of Christ like love in my life. And constantly strive to become more like my Mother, the BEST MOTHER ON PLANET EARTH!!!!! Thanks Mom.
     Yesterday we had zone conference, and the topic was how important real true faith is. Sorry, I am not sure if I have written about this yet, but I will write about it again. Real faith is action. Not just believing in something. We talked about our faith in mission and how we are lacking in faith. If we truly believe that this Gospel is the only true Gospel on the earth, why do we hesitate to share it. If we truly believe that this is the only Gospel that can allow us to return with our families to our Father in Heaven, why do we not take opportunities to share it. If we truly believe that this is the only true Gospel that holds the fullness of the knowledge of the Atonement, and can allow people to become 100% clean and pure, every day,  why are we scared of what others will think of us, and shrink when we see someone burden down with the trials of life.  WHY DO WE HAVE FEAR!!! We are on the path. We have the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that existed over 2000 years ago. We have the power of the Atonement to lighten our load, and can taste of the pure love of Christ every Sunday during the Sacrament. The Lord is on our side! Be strong! Don´t think that you will share the gospel with that person, tomorrow, or next week. The time is now. If we have true faith we don´t have time to wander around twiddling our thumbs, not bothering to look past our own lives. Seek those that need this blessing, this light, and this hope. As we do this we can have real joy in our lives, and start our families on the path to eternal life. As I have been encouraged to do this, I encourage you, to have true faith. 
   I am out of time today but I testify that as we try to have real faith in our lives, our fears will melt away. We will become more Christlike, and have a confident faith and belief on the Atonement. I promise you in the name of Jesus Christ that your homes will have more love, your joy will be more sweet, and you will have the true companionship of the Holy Ghost, to be your guide all day, everyday.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

- Elder Child

Monday, May 14, 2018

Olá Família!
This last week was good. We taught Vera and Rojelho a couple more times this week. They kept their commitment to read the Book of Mormon and pray. They had a pretty big financial problem from medical bills 20 years ago and didn't have a way to pay. But when we visited them again on Wednesday, they had a cake and soda for us. They explained that when they went in to the medical place to try settle the debt, everything went perfectly, and from what i understand, either it was cleared or they have more time. I am not sure which because they have free health care here. Either way it was a miracle. They were very appreciative of us visiting them, and were even more receptive. They are really good family, but Rojelho still works Sundays and Vera couldn't make it to church. But their testimony of faith and scriptures, and prayer are really strong. So we will try to guide that better this week. We had divisions again also so that was fun. I was able to show the other missionary around to all of our investigators so that was good. We tried to have a family home evening with a family of active and inactive members. We arrived and the inactive mom was in her room sleeping, the brother never came down stairs, and the dad was at work. So we taught a short lesson to the active members of the famly. We watched the video the atonement and missionary work. I will put the link on the bottom. It is a really good video that helps put things in perspective. Well, i dont have much time. Can´t wait to talk to you guys next week!! I will try to call on skype at 7 pm brasil time, so 4 pm your time i think. Hopefully that doesn´t interfere with the ohther missionaries. haha. Love you guys!

- Elder Child

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Olá Família,
    This last week was good. They had a free community wedding planned on Sunday morning, so we got our investigators the information and went with them to the event. We got there and there were around 150 or so others waiting in line. But no one else was there, no government officials to sign the documents, or anybody to perform the services. So it was a little awkward when we showed up in white shirts, ties, and bags. We got a lot of looks. haha. We waited for around an hour then everyone started to disperse. A wedding here is around 800-900 reals which stinks because these people that can´t afford to get married get their hopes up only to stand in the sun for an hour. But hopefully there will be another one soon. We had a little bit of an incident the other day when we dropped the keys to the church down the street drain. The grate was cemented down so we couldn't reach them. It was dark and started to rain, so we had to get them fast or the water would carry them to the river. We found a branch that had a little curve, and used the light from our cell phone screen to see down there. Luckily we got them out before to long. haha. A cool experience this last week was a few days ago. We have an address to an investigator, but it is up a stairway. The last time we passed by it was dark and we decided that we didn't want to get stabbed so we moved on to our next appointment. However this week we passed the stairway again and I felt the we should go up and see if any one was home. The daylight helped too. haha. We hiked up a ways but couldn't find the house, but we kept going anyway, trying to get help from the neighbors. We stopped for a breather and looked down where we came from. We saw 2 heads poking into the street, so we went back down and greeted them. They are a couple Vera and Rojelho, they aren't married, and smoke a little, but are really nice and accepting. Vera has been taught lessons before and been to church, but was dropped by the missionaries back in January. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson and it went really well. I didn't have much of a voice because I have been a little sick the last couple days but they agreed with all of the doctrine. The 5 principles (for those who aren't missionaries) are faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. They accepted our invitations to pray and read the Book of Mormon, too. Really cool to find these people that expressed their problems and troubles in life and were excited to meet with the missionaries again. I learned that 9/10 the first impression is the Spirit, the second is the adversary, and the third is you making sense and debating about it. When teaching or sharing the Gospel, always follow the first voice. The spirit tells you what Christ would tell them, so be prepared to switch your lesson plans or slow down for a couple minutes and explain a piece of doctrine a little differently. Every thing is going well here and I am glad to hear that thing are going well at home too! Love you Guys!
- Elder Child
PS- sorry no pictures this week